Birth Doula

Our first meeting is of no cost to you.We meet so you can ask me questions, I can learn about your needs, so that we can get a feel for each other and you can decide if you truly want a doula, and if I am the right doula for you.

At a home birth, your midwife will be your care provider, and I am always happy to meet with your midwife in advance; I can come along to one of your appointments with you. The doula role is new in the Netherlands, so it is important that we take time to have an open dialogue with care providers, and that we build up trust and a good working relationship.

My role as a doula for international families often includes translating.Doctors and midwives generally speak English and are more than happy to speak it with you if you don’t speak Dutch.During a birth when they are speaking to a colleague, or are very focused on their work, they may feel more comfortable speaking Dutch- or they may have difficulty sometimes finding the right English words to explain something.I can always translate for you so that you never feel you don’t understand what is happening.

I am available by phone and email if you want to talk about things, or have questions at any time during your pregnancy.I have translations of many Dutch documents you may receive from your midwife.I know many different prenatal courses, and can provide information on them if you need it.I highly recommend taking a childbirth preparation course.I also have an extensive pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding book library, and you are always welcome to borrow books.

I am on call for the two weeks prior to your due date and the two weeks after.This means I will have my phone with me at all times, and will strive to come to you within one hour of your call that labour has started and you want me to join you.It is always your choice when you want me to come to you.

Whether you labour lasts three hours or three days I will stay with you. If it is a long labour and we decide together that I should get some rest, I can call my back up doula to come if needed.We will always make these decisions together.

I will also make at least one postpartum visit, to talk about and reflect on the birth experience. It is also wonderful to see you with your new baby and find out how everything is going. I can help you find information you may need on local postnatal support groups and activities.I am also available by phone and email for postpartum questions.